Lesson 6

How AI Bias Impacts Our Lives

Lesson Overview

Essential Question

What are the impacts of AI bias? 

Lesson Overview

Just like people, artificial intelligence tools can make mistakes. That could mean simply mistaking tomatoes for apples. But the impacts of AI bias can often be much more serious. AI tools can end up recirculating harmful stereotypes and inequities within society. In this lesson, students will think critically about AI bias and how it affects the world. 

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to:

Approximate Time Needed: 20 min

Lesson Resources

Student Version    Teacher Version   

Lesson Plan

How AI Bias Impacts Our Lives _ Common Sense Education.pdf

Lesson Slides

Grades 6-12 - AI Literacy - How AI Bias Impacts Our Lives - Lesson Slides

Handout - Student Version

Grades 6-12 - AI Literacy - Trick-or-Treat AI - Student Handout

Handout - Teacher Version 

Grades 6-12 - AI Literacy - Trick-or-Treat AI - (TEACHER VERSION)

© Common Sense Media. Lessons are shareable with attribution for noncommercial use only. No remixing permitted. View detailed license information at creativecommons.org. Lesson last updated: October 2023