Lesson 7

AI Algorithms: How Well Do They Know You?

Lesson Overview

Essential Question

How does artificial intelligence influence what we see online?

Lesson Overview

In a world filled with more content than we could ever possibly consume, recommendation algorithms have long been a necessary part of the internet. This type of AI helps determine what we see (and don't see) online. But while that can be helpful, these algorithms can have unintended consequences, like creating filter bubbles, perpetuating bias, and undermining our creativity, choices, and opportunities. Use this lesson to help your students think critically about how AI is shaping their experiences online in both helpful and harmful ways. 

Lesson Objectives

Students will be able to:

Approximate Time Needed: 20 min

Lesson Resources

Student Version    Teacher Version   

Lesson Plan

AI Algorithms_ How Well Do They Know You_ _ Common Sense Education.pdf

Lesson Slides

Grades 6-12 - AI Literacy - AI Algorithms: How Well Do They Know You? - Lesson Slides

Lesson Video

Grades 6-12 - AI Literacy - Recommendation Algorithms - Student Handout

Handout - Student Version

Grades 6-12 - AI Literacy - Recommendation Algorithms - Handout (Teacher Version)

Handout - Teacher Version 

© Common Sense Media. Lessons are shareable with attribution for noncommercial use only. No remixing permitted. View detailed license information at creativecommons.org. Lesson last updated: October 2023