Uniform & Supplies

Class A Uniforms are Official BSA Cub Scout uniform with rank specific accessories. Descriptions of the uniforms for each den can be found at Scouting America.

Scout awards are worn on the shirt and as loops on their belts.

Uniforms can be purchased in person at The Valley Forge Scout Shop and Cradle of Liberty Council Service Center in King of Prussia or online at Scout Shop.  (If you're not sure what you need, the volunteers at the Scout Shop are extremely helpful.)

Class B Uniforms are any T-Shirt with the Cub Scout logo or Pack decoration paired with activity appropriate clothing.  Pack dues and fundraising cover one or more Pack event T-Shirts each year.

A scout is thrifty so at the start of each school year, we hold a uniform exchange to reuse outgrown clothes and items.  We often have spare shirts from previous scout events.  You might want to wait until after the first meeting to make any purchases.  

If you have questions contact the Den Leader or Cubmaster