Webelos Fall Camping

Hickory Run State Park

The Fall Webelos camping trip is for W1 and W2 to complete adventure badges in Tent Camping, Outdoor Adventures, and Outdoor Preparation of meals.  Each scout must be accompanied by a parent or responsible adult.  In order to maximize the experience for the scouts, this trip is designed for Webelos and their parents only and is not a family camping event.

Recommended Pack List

❑ Arrive for fall-in in uniform

❑ Rain gear

❑ Hiking boots or good walking shoes

❑ Spare shoes - Camp Shoes like Crocks

❑ Sweat pants / Sleepware

❑ Sweatshirt

❑ Undergarments

❑ Socks -Each Day plus spare

❑ Toothbrush and paste

❑ Soap

❑ Small towel

❑ Water bottle

❑ Flashlight - Best with red lens to preserve night vision.

❑ Sunscreen

❑ Bug Repellent

❑ Mess Kit - Bowl / Plate / Cup / Spoon / Fork / Knife. This is a Scouting Essential. We avoid using disposable plates and cutlery.

❑ Cup

❑ Small dish soap and sponge

❑ Tent

❑ Tarp

❑ Sleeping bag and pad

❑ Folding Camp Chair

❑ 50 feet of 550 paracord

Day Pack

Personal First Aid Kit

Pocket Knife - Scouts are required to have a Whittling Chip, or must complete on the overnight.  Whetstone is you have one.

Fire Starter - Matches / Lint in a cardboard tube / Flint & Steel