Welcome to Pack 284
Radnor, Pennsylvania
We wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year!
The Pinewood Derby design and build phase has begun! Weigh-in is March 21, 2025.
Interested in Cub Scouts? Come join anytime!
Attend our next meeting at Wayne Elementary! We gather on alternate Wednesdays from 7pm-8pm. Come early and speak with the leaders.
Explore our Parents Section and Calendar for more information and upcoming events.
Pack 284 is open to all area elementary grade boys and girls - Kindergarten through Fifth.
Information about us, the Pack calendar and our activities can be found on this site.
Prospective scouts are encouraged to attend the next Den or Pack Meeting at Wayne Elementary School Cafeteria!
Pack 284 & COVID-19
The Pack has returned to normal event schedules. Wearing a mask is a personal choice.
If you miss an event because you are not feeling well, there will be plenty more fun to join in on.