Get the inside scoop on some in-class conversations between the experts, Lexi and Adam, and their students, Majestik and Kayla. During these episodes, you will hear more about psychology myths, peer group polls, and how to avoid believing false information.

Check this out!

The below infographic summarizes some key points from each of our essays on myth-busting. If you are someone who falls for false information easily or you want to help stop the spread, take a look!

Sequence 01.mpg

Episode 1

Creative or Scientific: how you can be both.

episode 2.mpg

Episode 2

The technology take over!

Sequence 02.mpg

Episode 3

Human brains and computers-- what makes them different?

A Note About the Authors

Kayla Sgobba, Senior

A little bit about me...

As a student, I am majoring in psychology and am on the pre-occupational therapy track. I am currently Pacific Christian Fellowship club president, a member of the Center for Peace and Spirituality board, and a panelist for the College of Arts, Science, Business, and Education panel. I have the privilege of working for the Pacific University admissions office as a front desk receptionist and campus tour guide. In addition, I am a member of the Student Conduct board. After May commencement, I plan to attend Northern Arizona University to pursue a doctoral degree in occupational therapy.

Adam Mydland, Senior

A little bit about me...

I am majoring in psychology with a minor in philosophy. I have a 14-month-old daughter (Hensley) and she is the joy of my world! After May commencement, I look forward to advancing my education and one day becoming a school counselor.

Lexi Lowery, Junior

A little bit about me...

I'm a double major in psychology and Japanese. Currently, I am the exchange student coordinator for Pacific's Japan Club, but next year I'll be promoted to cultural representative. I'm mostly interested in the psychological areas of cognitive and lifespan development, so this project has helped pique my interest in how our brains change and function over time.

Majestik De Luz, Junior

A little bit about me...

Currently a double-major in psychology and philosophy, soon to be applying to Philosophy PhD programs in the fall. I am also a Writing Tutor, Teaching & Research assistant, and the President of the Philosophy Club. This project was quite useful for me in its application of real life. With all of the research I do for various topics, it is important to be able to tell where the information I am gathering comes from and how to check its accuracy.