


...where we dust off myths and air out the truth underneath!

ADHD & Hyperfocus

ADHD is a difference in attention regulation, not a lack of attention. We all know that ADHD can make it hard to focus on certain tasks for long, but did you know that those with ADHD also can sometimes focus for even longer than others?

Let's talk about it!

When we focus too long...

Hyperfocus is an “intense fixation on an interest or activity for an extended period of time” (Flippin, ADDitude)

Check out these possible alternative names for ADHD:

Variable Attention Stimulus Trait (VAST)

Dopamine Attention Variability Executive-dysfunction (DAVE)

“...what they have is an abundance of attention. The challenge is controlling it.”

Dr. Ned Hallowell

In a survey of our listeners, 56.9% believed the myth that those with ADHD can't focus for extended periods of time. Only 43.1% knew the truth that ADHD is more nuanced with differing levels of attention.

Memory: Brain vs. Computer

In the past, with computer technology, the brain was often compared to a computer. However, now we know a little bit more about the brain and why that comparison isn't quite true. Watch this video to learn more!

Our brains aren't like computers

Short-term memory refers to what information a person is taking in at a given moment.

  • Ex: What someone is reading right now.

Long-term memory relates to memories that are kept with a person for 5 minutes or longer.

  • Ex: A book someone read a week ago.

Working memory is utilized for specifically complicated tasks ranging from learning new information to understanding it.

  • Ex: Trying to comprehend your professor's lecture.

In a survey of our listeners, 83% believed the myth that human brains are like a computer. Only 17% knew the truth that despite both having a short-term and long-term memory system, brains and computers are more different than they are alike.

Memory Wars: The Phantom Menace

Since the 1990s, we have been dealing with a pretty gnarly conversation about how memory works, stemming from a much older version of psychology. Take a look at this video and the infographic below to learn about memory systems and the history behind that research!

Remember me...

Semantic memory is memory related to facts

  • Ex: Orangutans are apes.

Episodic memory is memory about past events

  • Ex: I saw orangutans at the Oregon Zoo on Friday.

Autobiographical memory is a blend of semantic and episodic memory for self-definition

  • Ex: I went to the Oregon Zoo on Friday to see the orangutans, which I think are the cutest animals on the planet.

In a survey of our listeners, 73.2% believed the myth that our minds repress memories of extreme trauma. Only 26.8% knew the truth that there is no system to repress memories. In fact, memories of traumatic events may be more vivid (though still prone to mistakes) due to the activation of the amygdala.

Meet our team!

Colby J

Just your everyday, loveable cowgirl in the great big world. Colby hopes to defeat psych myths, one misconception at a time.


Your local cheese-wiz who loves to investigate anything under the sun. Brie wants to clear the air on what is fact and what is fiction.

Addison Brown

Hey, y'all! I am Addison, a psychology major, planning to graduate with my bachelor's degree in Spring 2023. I love learning everything I can about how our minds work, what binds us together as humans, and what makes us different as individuals. I hope to continue my education in order to conduct research and psychotherapy, specializing in ADHD.

Emma Merritt

Hi friends! My name is Emma Merritt. I am a psychology major and sociology minor, graduating in Spring 2022. As I have learned all about cognitive psychology, I hope to use this knowledge to dispel myths and carry it with me as I pursue a Master's degree in Counseling! :)

Piper Neal

Hello guys, gals, and our nonbinary pals! I am Piper Neal and I am majoring in psychology here at Pacific. My goal is to graduate in 2023 and start my journey of becoming a therapist for the older folks. I have my fingers crossed and hope that knowing the truth to these cognitive myths will help me debunk others in the future! :)

Sophia Tong

Hey hey everyone! I'm Sophia Tong and am a psychology major and cultural awareness and knowledge minor graduating in 2023. I hope to use what we learned in cognitive and in other classes to do cross-cultural research in the future and travel while doing it!