What if I told you that ...

... The Science of Mind has changed so much that what you might think is right is wrong?

Test your knowledge against the latest science by digging into the content below where Cognitive Psychology students interrogate the truth about how our minds work. These truths are showcased here as podcasts, memes, videos, infographics and more. Our goal is to help bring your knowledge out of the 19th and 20th centuries and into the 21st. Whether it's about the relationship between extreme emotion and memory, how to maximize your studying, the truth about ADHD and multitasking, or the implications of gaming or brain-training -- Getting it right matters!

We hope you enjoy this informational multimedia journey we've set up for you, into the modern science of mind.

Prf. Erica Kleinknecht, Ph.D.

I've been a Professor of Cognition and Development at Pacific University for twenty years, and counting. In this role, I strive to engage my students in both learning course content and – importantly -- learning to use course content for a greater purpose. One doesn’t need to be a doctoral-level scholar to appropriately apply Psychological Science to the greater good. All it takes is a clear level of mastery of concepts and a keen eye for connecting the concepts and processes to real-world social problems. I am always proud of what my students can accomplish and the work you see here on this website is just wonderful. Well done, all!

Should you have questions about the work presented here, please contact me at eko at pacificu dot edu

Interested in seeing more projects like this one? You can access a complete catalogue of my students' Authentic Learning work here.