TUNE IN with

Kalen, Phoebe, Kendall, & Grace


Here you will find revelating information about common cognitive psychology myths and how to sort through all of the false information that exists in the world. Check out the information below to learn more!


Do you think doodling during class is a distraction? About 65% of our fellow students know that doodling isn't a distraction!

Learning Styles

Roughly 96% of our peers misbelieve that you learn best when learning in your personal learning style. Lets find out the truth!

Left/Right Brain

Nearly 38% of our classmates think you can be left or right brained in approaching problems...is this true?

Episode 1:


Episode 2:

Learning Styles

Episode 3:

Left/Right Brain

About the Authors

Meet the creators behind this podcast/web-page and what they have to say about debunking myths and spreading the truth!

Grace Tolberd, Senior

I'm majoring in mathematics and minoring in psychology with the career goal of being a high school math teacher. I love teaching and I'm hoping I can take what my group has researched, learned in class, and will be spreading in our podcasts to inform my future teaching approaches with accurate information of how we learn.

Kalen Kobashigawa, Sophomore

Hi guys I'm Kalen! I am from Oahu, Hawaii and I am majoring in Psychology with a minor in CSD. As a future career, I would like to become an Audiologist. In hopes of our group research, I am excited to see how I can apply our myth busting to an outside perspective and hopefully help some people have a better understanding of how to better their overall thinking.

Kendall Taomoto, Sophomore

Howzit everybody, I'm Kendall! I'm majoring in Psychology and I plan to pursue a career in teaching or psychology counseling. I am glad that all three myths that we busted all provide insight and information that will be beneficial going into an education career! I hope to utilize this knowledge I have acquired through the process of this project to spread this truth and apply these methods in my future teaching journey.

Phoebe Pratt, Junior

Hi everyone, I'm Phoebe! I'm majoring in Kinesiology and minoring in Spanish. This project has been a lot of fun and has taught me some valuable information about false information and how to effectively spread the truth. I hope to continue using this information to help educate others about the truth about cognitive psychology and other myths that come our way.