Careers & Aspirations

De La Warr Gallery Careers Workshop

This term, Years 5 & 6 welcomed a representative of the De La Warr gallery, in Bexhill, to discuss career aspirations in the arts. The De La Warr runs a programme called Talent Accelerator which supports young people into creative careers in East Sussex. This is done through raising understanding of the range of jobs available in the creative industries, developing high quality work experience, developing opportunities for skills development and expanding what creative businesses and cultural organisations can offer young people. Shark class really enjoyed this informative and creative presentation learning about a wide range of jobs within the arts.

Year 5/6 Aspirations with Tech She Can

Shark class pupils attended a virtual presentation entitled 'Tech for Gen AI' delivered by Becky Patel, Head of Education and Learning at Tech She Can.

Becky highlighted the role Gen AI technology plays in our current lives, how it can be used for good and how it may develop. She also showed some of the careers within Gen AI technology that students could pursue in the future.

Shark class were fascinated by the talk with lots of questions and insights.

Tech She Can is a charity, working together with industry, government, and schools to improve the ratio of women in technology roles by:

I'm a scientist get me out of here!