Year 1 & 2 Learning


What a busy term it has been in year 1 and 2. We have enjoyed learning about our geography topic 'A bug's life'. We learnt about different biomes and physical and natural features of towns, villages and cities. This linked closely to our science topic which was living things and their habitats. We explored a range of different habitats such as the seaside, fields and the ocean. We then looked at the animals that would live in these habitats and how they adapt to that environment. We also looked at microhabitats and went on a minibeast hunt to see if we could see any around our school site. We then created our own minibeast hotel which the children really enjoyed. 


In art this term we have studied aboriginal art and looked at the concept pointilism. The children designed their own tile using different skills and they created their own clay tile design. In PE we have focused on our physical cog as well as starting to practice for sports day. 


In English this term in year 1 the children have learnt the text 'Monkey see, monkey do' focusing on character description. The class then innovated this to 'seagull see, seagull do' and wrote their own stories. In our non fiction unit we created a fact file about mischevious monkeys. The children then picked their  own such as rainbow monkey. In maths the children have been exploring money and recognising different coins. We then started to see what coins made different amounts. We finished the term looking at numbers 50-100 adding and subtracting using 'if i know, then I know...' to help solve equations. 

In Year 2 we have looked at the story 'The Owl who was afraid of the dark'. We then innovated our stories and wrote our own. Our non fiction task was to write a letter of persuasion. The children used lots of interesting vocabulary and different sentence types. We then learnt a minibeast poem to link in with our science work and created a class version. In maths we have looked at money and making different amounts using different coins. We have also looked at calculating change from certain coins using our addition and subtraction knowledge.  


Walrus class had their class assembly this term. We retold our model text, 'Monkey see, Monkey do.' We then talked about what make a good friend. 

We then talked about our art work and showed our clay tiles. We then sang ' You've got a friend in me.'

Africa week 

We ended the term fully embracing Africa week. We learnt a lot about the different cultures and the children had lots of fun!


Please don't forget phonics screener week is the week commencing Monday 10th June for all year 1 children and year 2 children who didnt pass. Please use your booklets tat have been sent home and carry on reading. Thank you for your support!