Year 3 & 4 Learning

It has been a brilliant term as always. We cannot believe how quickly this year is going, and that we are now entering the final term! We can't wait to soak up all our last moments together, but before we look ahead, we want to reflect on all the wonderful learning Year 3/4 have been doing this term. 


In our writing lessons, we have been learning how to write our own journey stories with a focus on character description. We were inspired by Peter Pan and the adventures he has with Wendy and Tinkerbelle. The stories the children wrote have got to be some of our favourite this year. We had journey's to winter wonderlands, mythical castles and even far away galaxies. 

In our non-fiction writing children wrote a discussion text. Children began learning a text discussing if zoo's are harmful or helpful for animals. Over the weeks children learned about the different tools in discussion texts including offering both sides of the argument, using generalisers and using fronted adverbials. Hear some children share their piece discussing 'Should Wendy have followed Peter Pan?'.

Art & Design and technology

We have been exploring the wonders of recycled materials and looked at the sculpture artist Arthur Bordalo. The children made their very own animal sculptures which looked great! We then explored levers and linkages in D&T. We made African inspired mechanical posters. 


Playtimes are the part of the school day where children have freedom to make decisions, problem solve and have fun, so we are so excited to have the sun shining and lots of new equipment for the children to enjoy. We are encouraging positive play times through child-initiated creative activities and adult led team games to teach important social skills. 


The children have been learning all about 'Caps in Crisis'. We explored the differences between Antarctica and the Arctic and created our own news reports to explain climate change and the effects it is having on our world. 

Forest school 

This term Dolphin class had forest school, and as usual they really enjoyed it! They made camp doughnuts, hot chocolates over the fire and most importantly, got VERY muddy! Forest school is great for problem solving, building resilience and improving our social interaction skills. Thank you to Mr Bula-Edge for another great term!


This term Belugas and Dolphins delivered their class assemblies. The children said a fond farewell to Eleanor, shared all their fabulous learning and made us incredibly proud with their confidence. Here is a poem one class created to share our care values: 

We have written this poem from us to you,

Listen closely and you can learn it too.

Cooperation means working as a team,

Our voices and opinions are always seen.

Achievement let’s us reach for the stars,

We won’t be held back by any bars.

We show respect everyday,

By smiling, listening and following the OVPA way.

Empathy shines from our hearts like gold,

Love and kindness are great keys we hold.

We are so lucky to be part of the OVPA community,

Where we feel love, happiness and enjoy opportunities.

Our poem is over, but our journeys continue,

Never forget the care values within you.

Africa week 

We have loved celebrating Africa week in Year 3/4. We have been busy immersing ourself into the African culture. We made traditional printed African t-shirts, masks and beaded jewellery. We also learned traditional African dances which the classes loved! 

School Trip 

Year 3/4 had a brilliant school trip. We visited the Herstmonceux Science Observatory. It was a wonderful day where the children could get stuck in! Children could explore the exhibits around the centre learning all about different scientific concepts including electricity, forces and water play. Children became structural engineers building bridges and testing them out. The children also had chance to visit one of the out of action telescopes observing the size and capabilities of the fantastic observatory. A brilliant day!