Term 5 Newsletter

Mrs Campbell's Headteacher Update

I would like to start by congratulating our Year 6 pupils for approaching their SATs tests with such a positive attitude. We were all impressed by the determination and resilience demonstrated by the children, in an aim to be their very best. All the children should be incredibly proud of their efforts and achievements. As they enter the final term of their primary education, it will be a time to reflect and celebrate before they prepare to move on to their secondary schools.

I had the pleasure of accompanying our Reception pupils on their first school trip to Lunsford Farm, in Pett. The visit provided an opportunity to enhance their learning about their current topic, 'Farm to Fork' and gave them first hand experience of where our food comes from. The pupils were impeccably behaved and thoroughly enjoyed their first experience outside of school. It was a wonderful support to have so many parents and carers join us - thank you for coming.

We have ended the term with a whole school focus on Diversity, using Africa Day as a vehicle for expanding our minds. Africa is complex and diverse, with over 1.2 billion people speaking 3,000 languages in 54 countries. We want our young people to learn about the issues of today's world whilst approaching information openly and critically. We aim to provide our pupils with a global perspective on social and environmental issues and give them the opportunity to celebrate the rich culture and traditions. 

This builds on our whole school focus of 'Equality, Diversity and Inclusion' which is being led by the Junior Leadership Team. They have led assemblies to aid our understanding and collated pupil voice about how we can be more inclusive in school. Lots of food for thought and plenty of wonderful ideas being generated.

We are now heading in to our final term of the academic year where we will enjoy more school trips and sporting activities, transition plans and farewell celebrations. All of our dates for Term 6 can be found in the Dates sections so please add them to your diaries.

Have a great break and we will see you on Monday 3 June.

Mrs Campbell 

Mr Paramor's Deputy Headteacher Update

It has been a fantastic term and all the children have done themselves proud once again. During this term, we have seen both children and parents be really engaged with our attendance challenge and there have been two classes that had 100% for a whole week. On our Attendance Update page, on this newsletter, please see the overall Term 5 winner! 

It was a pleasure to host the first, of what we hope is many, chess gatherings between OVPA and Sandown Primary. Mr Newell runs a very enthusiastic chess group and we invited Sandown Primary to OVPA for a friendly match after school to test and develop our chess skills. We were all really impressed with how all the children demonstrated positive attitudes and respect to each other. We all look forward to our next chess gathering

In the last week of this term, Year 3 and 4 enjoyed a brilliant trip to Herstmonceux Science Centre. The children represented our school fantastically while enjoying all of the fantastic learning opportunities. Please take time to look at the Year 3 and 4 learning page to see photos from their trip.

Well done to all of our children that have represented our school at the different sporting events this term. Children have taken part in a variety of events and tournaments, including: golf, crazy golf and rugby. They have all made us proud with their resilience and determination to do their best! Thank you to all of the staff who have spent their time in organising getting to the events and supporting the children.

It is a real pleasure to share all the amazing things that the children have taken part in and I feel lucky everyday to be a part of this fantastic OVPA family. 

I hope that you all have a lovely half term and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday 3rd June.

Mr Paramor

A Message from our Chair of Governors 

Dear Teachers, Parents, and Valued Members of our School Community,

It is with immense pleasure and enthusiasm that I take on my new role as we embark on the next chapter in the history of Ore Village Primary Academy. As the newly appointed Chair of Governors, I am honoured to have the opportunity to serve alongside such dedicated and passionate individuals.  The results of our last OFSTED, and the feedback, confirm this.  I recently met with Sally-Ann Hart, MP for Hastings & Rye, who commented to me “…. wow, what a school!”.

At OVPA, our vision is rooted in fostering Opportunities, Resilience, and the Expansion of Minds for every child entrusted to our care. We are committed to providing a dynamic learning environment where students are encouraged to explore, question, and grow, preparing them to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

Central to our mission are the core values of Cooperation, Achievement, Respect, and Empathy. These values serve as the guiding principles that shape our interactions, decisions, and collective efforts to cultivate a culture of inclusivity, understanding, and mutual respect within our school community.

As we embark on this journey together, I am inspired by the dedication and commitment of each member of our school community. Your unwavering support and collaborative spirit are fundamental to our shared success in fulfilling the promise of an exceptional education for every child.

I extend my deepest gratitude to each of you for your continued commitment to our school's mission and values. Together, let us embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, united in our shared vision of nurturing the next generation of compassionate, resilient, and globally minded individuals.

I look forward to getting to know all our students and meeting you all individually.  As Jo already knows, I am fully available at any time should you require.

With warmest regards,

Julian van Kan

Chair of Governors

Ore Village Primary Academy

My background

I was born in South Africa to Dutch/English parents and did my schooling there, Hong Kong and the UK which has enabled me to experience different cultures.  I came to the UK in 1981 to take up a career in investment banking and more recently have moved from the City to start my own business in FinTech and to focus on things that interest me most, namely education and fund raising for those with special needs.

I have been a governor of the University of Brighton and work closely with other trusts which has given me a strong foundation in the educational needs of our children and young adults.  

I am a passionate believer in our education system and the availability and delivery of a diverse curriculum to ensure that everyone is well challenged and able to develop their own skills and talents.

I am married with 2 adult daughters and have lived in East Sussex and Kent for the last 35 years.