Nursery Learning

This term Turtle class have been looking at 'Food' we have talked about which vegetables grow above and below the ground, we then incorporated this knowledge into our game "Where does it grow?" They had to choose a vegetable and place it where it grows. We have looked at the artist Giuseppe Acrimboldo, who uses fruits and vegetables to create portraits, so using his work as an inspiration we then created our own. As the weather got warmer we met Daisy and Buttercup (the nursery cows), who helped us to understand the journey of milk and how it may be used in other food products. Best of all we had a go at milking them! To round off this term we have been involved in Africa Week, where we have printed our own colourful patterned t-shirts, compared animals that live in Africa to those that live in England and listening to traditional African music we danced and using drums joined in with the rhythms.