School Improvement

Delivery Plan Action:

Open Kilpatrick secondary building and Bellsmyre campus, housing Aitkenbar Primary, St. Peter’s Primary and Bellsmyre Early Learning and Childcare Centre.

In August 2016, we opened the £10.6M Bellsmyre Campus housing Aitkenbar Primary, St. Peter's Primary and Bellsmyre Early Learning and Childcare Centre.

In December 2016, we opened the £8.15M new secondary building in Kilpatrick school.

  • In addition to our new builds, we invested £5.5M into the existing schools estate in Gartocharn, St Patricks, Levenvale, Linnvale, Carleith, Clydemuir, St Mary’s, Braehead, Knoxland, Gavinburn, Whitecrook, Our Lady of Loretto, Kilbowie, Edinbarnet, St Josephs and Our Holy Redeemer primary schools to bring these buildings to Condition B.
  • As a result of these improvements, we lifted 2,840 pupils from school buildings rated as Condition C and D into Condition A and B.

Delivery Plan Action:

Implement improvements arising from Staff Survey 2015

What did we do?

  • Extract analysis of education "issues" from survey
  • prepare a communication action plan from consultation with education staff

Delivery Plan Action:

Implement broad-ranging school improvement to raise attainment and achievement

What did we do?

  • Implement HGIOS4, improved classroom practice and self-evaluation as key drivers for improvement
  • Ensured that our record of 100% of educational establishments receiving positive inspection reports continued with the inspections of St. Martin's and Goldenhil Primary schools.

St. Martin's

Improvements in performance - good

Learners' experiences - good

Meeting learning needs - good

The curriculum - satisfactory

Improvement through self-evaluation - good


Leadership of Change - good

Learning, teaching and assessment - good

Raising attainment and achievement - satisfactory

Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion - good

  • Provided touch-screen Chromebooks in classrooms for every single primary seven pupil


Bonhill Primary School receive the Digital Schools Award. #COS2017

We would fully recommend other schools going for the Digital Schools Award - it was a pain free process that gives schools a chance to celebrate what they have achieved with technology. Information can be found by going to and support (including examples of policies) can be found on the WDC Digital Schools Award Google Classroom.

What did we do?

  • Implement the expectations for equity set by the government to challenge authorities
  • Review improvement framework in line with HGIOS4 and HGIOELC
  • Produce an evidence informed approach to school improvement

Delivery Plan Action:

Implement the Children & Young People Act 2014

What did we do?

  • Support the development of the Wellbeing Assessment and Planning Processes in schools

What did we do?

  • Development of the Central Named Person Service (NPS)
  • Named Person Service - guidance developed for all relevant groups: parents; children and young people; staff
  • Named Person Service - review of central multi-agency systems for screening concerns: Police Scotland; Social Work; Health
  • Support all establishments to embed the use of the latest pastoral notes for recording information on wellbeing.

Delivery Plan Action:

Review approach to allocation of support resources to establishments

What did we do?

  • Review use of taxi contracts in education
  • Implement new admissions package (NAMS) across all Early Years establishments and partnership providers
  • Review how ASN resources are allocated to early years