Parental Engagement

Delivery Plan Action:

  • Develop role of parents and Parent Councils in school improvement planning process

What did we do?

  • Awareness raising sessions for Head Teachers about expectations set in the National Improvement Framework

What did we do?

  • Delivered training for Head Teachers in partnership with the Scottish Parent Teacher Association
  • Delivered training for Parent Councils in partnership with the Scottish Parent Teacher Association
  • Ensured both School and Learning Community improvement planning took account of Parental Engagement

What did we do?

  • Recognised the importance of Parent Councils to our school communities and empowered them to play the fullest role in their children’s education
  • Provided £58k in funding to Secondary School Parent Councils and £81k to support Primary School Parent Councils to improve learning


Week 3 of Lennox ELCC (faifley) playscheme. Today's focus was STEM in the early years, introducing parents and children to the simple ways that they can learn about Science, Maths, Technology and Engineering. We had a wide range of age groups from 9 months to 12 years and all loved joining with our simple but effective learning activities. Our activities included cloud doh, making volcano's, gloop, shaving foam, ice, baking, kinetic sand and making bubbles. 65 parents and children joined us today and everyone commented what an amazing time they had, as you can see from some of our photos.

Delivery Plan Action:

  • Provide information to parents on how to support attainment and achievement in literacy and numeracy

What did we do?

  • Establish a 'lead officer' group to ensure establishments and communities are well supported
  • Promote use of OurCloud to share information with parents
  • Plan parental information sessions
  • Consult and work in partnership with corporate communications about effective modes for providing information to the public


Levenvale Primary School video showcasing their innovative project to raise attainment through parental engagement.

Delivery Plan Action:

  • Develop the Parental Involvement Strategy in all sectors

What did we do?

  • Inform Heads of Establishment of the supports available through national bodies
  • Roll out training for Parent Councils
  • Check progress of parental involvement through school visits.


Braehead Primary hosted a Spanish morning on Friday for families to attend. Primary 5 focussed on Tourism. The children set up an area for parents to visit travel agents, tourism officers sharing top tips and places to visit, there was a translation team teaching parents how to speak in Spanish. Caricaturists drew pictures of parents for them to take away and there was a quiz to complete on the smart board. The children typed up information sheets and translations for the parents to take away.