Priorities for 2017-2018

For session 2017 - 2018, we have identified the following 15 high level actions:

  1. Design and implement West Dunbartonshire Council’s strategy for assessment in schools;
  2. Deliver the Scotland’s Young Workforce programme;
  3. Deliver the Early Years' agenda;
  4. Develop the Parental Involvement Strategy in all sectors;
  5. Deliver year one of Pupil Equity Funding;
  6. Develop the use of performance information to support school improvement;
  7. Deliver Year 3 of the Scottish Raising Attainment Challenge;
  8. Implement broad-ranging school improvement to raise attainment and achievement;
  9. Deliver our 'Regenerating Learning' programme;
  10. Deliver the authorities duties in relation to GIRFEC;
  11. Implement proposed changes to school governance arrangements;
  12. Develop literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing within the curriculum;
  13. Develop effective leadership to drive improvement;
  14. Design and deliver strategies for succession planning and recruitment; and
  15. Develop the learning workforce capacity across all sectors.

We will report on the progress of these actions in our 2017 - 2018 Standards and Quality Report.