Reflective Thinking

reflection logs

At the end of each day the children would complete a reflections log. They would select 2 skills they thought they used well to stick into their log. They would then draw a picture of themselves using the skills and explain their picture to a partner.

Finally the children would use green, amber or red stickers to show how well they thought they were able to use their skills that day.

sound buttons

During the second week the children would record their answers to questions which prompted reflection.

The questions would be different each day such as - what was your favourite part of the day, what was the trickiest part of the day etc.

tell the robots

At the end of some tasks the children would explain to the robot how they completed the task.

They would be encouraged to tell the robot 3 things they had to do by prompting - tell him what the first thing you had to was, then what did you do after that etc.

skills mat

Before completing any task the children would work with their learning partner to circle 3 skills they thought they would use while completing their task. They would then reflect, using the mat, after completing the task by ticking or crossing the previously circled skills.

looks like, sounds like, feels like

As a way of considering the skills closely to allow for more in-depth reflections, each day we would select a skill and think about what that skill might look like to the robot, how would he know we were using it.

What it would sound like, what might he hear us saying and finally, what would it feel like to ourselves and our partner.