Quality Learning

skills mats

Before completing any task the children would work with their learning partner to circle 3 skills they thought they would use while completing their task.

They would then reflect, using the mat, after completing the task by ticking or crossing the previously circled skills.

looks like, sounds like, feels like

As a way of considering the skills closely to allow for more in-depth reflections, each day we would select a skill and think about what that skill might look like to the robot, how would he know we were using it.

What it would sound like, what might he hear us saying and finally, what would it feel like to ourselves and our partner.

skills stickers

The skills the children were focused on developing were printed onto stickers and given to children to highlight to themselves and others when they were using their skills well. This also worked as positive reinforcement and encouraged the children to strive to display a range of skills so they could collect more stickers.

Peer assessment skills stickers

During the second week, instead of the teacher distributing the stickers, the children were given a sticker on a lanyard. When the children observed their peer displaying a skill they would give them the sticker. This helped to highlight to the children skills being transferred in different contexts.

photos of the prevous day

The QR code would reveal a picture of somewhere outdoors where the children would find a wallet with a picture of a skill on it. Inside would be a photo of children displaying a skill along with a comment from the robot on what he had seen or heard the children doing well. These photos would be added to the skills board.

Morning note from robot

Each morning the robot would leave a note or audio recording for the children and highlight some children who had over come a problem, or struggled with implementing a skill. The note would remind the children that it is not always easy to show your skills all the time and encourage them to keep trying. The note would also highlight how children managed to solve issues, such as using rock, paper, scissors or by combining their ideas to come to an agreement.

sound buttons

During the second week the children recorded messages for their partners using the sound buttons. They would choose a skill they thought their partner used well and thank them for using it to help their team.