Community Learning

How Community was nurtured in this project

For children the biggest challenge is often learning how to work collaboratively with others. Through regular and thoughtful use of community builder activities Ashleigh was able to build effective collaborative teams that would by the end of the project be able to successfully work together on designing and building a Robot together. Regular reflection on the skills used during community builders is a great way of introducing and reinforcing the collaborative skills we are hoping to develop. Below you will see some of the examples of the Community Builders that Ashleigh used.

Partner Handshake

Each morning the children would come together with their partner to perform and extend our class handshake. This required the children to be physically close and to work together to keep in time with each other.

The handshake provided a good opportunity to give actions to the skills the children were focusing on developing. Each day the children would add a new action to the handshake e.g. " Having ideas, having ideas"

skills tower

Each morning the children worked with their partner to build a tower using cards with the skills images on them.

This task was purposefully challenging for the children to allow them to experience turn taking, sharing, decision making, encouraging and staying calm in a low stakes task.

It allowed the children to experience both failure and achievement in their team.


Each morning, the robot left the children a message in “robot language” (a QR code).

The children would scan the code to reveal a “secret location” somewhere outdoors within the school grounds.

They would then figure out where is was and head to the spot to see what the robot had left for them.


The children were posed open ended scenarios such as - how would a robot say good morning? Can you think of a way to stop an out of control robot? Do robot actions to tell someone to put litter in the bin?

This allowed the children to be as creative as possible while making a decision together that they could present to the class.