Bob the BOt

IDL and Project Based Learning


This IDL project was created by the Ashleigh Walker from St Mary's Duntocher. This project initially ran over 2 weeks but with the intention that it could be taken on further following the interests of the children. The project follows the principles of Project Based Learning that have been developed by Single Steps Learning. The project is designed to have a balance between adult directed and child directed learning with their always being an emphasis on play and exploration.

The 6 WDCs

Throughout this project along the children will be explicitly developing meta-skills and competencies that are essential for learning and life in the future. However at this age the children learn about these meta skills much more age appropriate language e.g. taking turns, sharing and having ideas.

Curriculum Links

This IDL project was designed to have a STEM focus. With all Early Level projects like this it is interdisciplinary in it's design. As you explore this project it will hopefully be clear that this project enables children to develop their learning across many areas of the curriculum. Click on this link to learn more about the curriculum links in this project.

Planning for an IDL with Project Based Learning

Using this PADLET we have planned all the different elements of this project. Feel free to explore this planning tool.

If you would like to see how the project looked like from day to day then click on this Button. Below we have taken each element of the Project and if you click on the link you will be able to see what this looked like in practice for the children.

The Key Elements of the Project:

Click on each element to be see how we have included these during this project. Here you will be able to see videos, photographs and the resources that were used. In planning an IDL with Project Based Learning we consider each element individually, however, lots of the activities planned will include many of the different elements e.g. An orienteering community builder activity can include knowledge aquisition and an ideal opportunity to reflect on skills of working together, communication and character.