Knowledge Aquisition

Knowledge Aquisition

In order for the children to complete the Problem Based tasks they need to have key bits of knowledge. Watch this short video as Ashleigh explains how they ensured that the children had all the knowledge they needed.

Read and REsearch

The children began by discussing what researching was and how it helped then learn new things. This was an excellent opportunity to have children reading / listening for information for a real purpose.

One way the children were able to research was using Epic Readers to “read” read aloud books about robots and their different functions and jobs they carry out and when they can be more efficient than humans.

The children worked with their learning partners to find new information record their findings through drawings. They then shared their findings with the rest of the class. They quickly learned that they could build on each others learning.


In order to learn specific facts about how Robots can help humans look after the planet better, the teacher created Google Slides with pictures, videos and text ( with a read aloud option). The teacher used Monster Phonics colour coded text and decodable words were made larger encouraging children to have a go at decoding some of the words.

The children then carried out their research on chrome books using prepared google slides.

The children worked in their pairs to identify and record at least three reasons why litter can be a problem. They then shared their ideas with the class.


Before going on a community walk, the children were shown an example of a basic risk assessment form. They were shown photos of some low, medium and high risk hazards that they come into contact with every day.

Together they explored what possible hazzards we could spot from the playground. There was a class discussion around how to make these safer. The children then worked together to completed their own risk assessment form.


After the litter picking session the children considered if the problem of litter was solved. They concluded that more litter would be dropped and or get blown into the area.

The children created a message they wanted to share with others using the ChatterPix app. This was a useful opportunity to assess what the children had taken from their experiences so far.


The robots would often leave books for the children to add to their knowledge of robots and recycling.

Reading these stories together provided opportunity for questioning and making connections with previous learning.


The children engaged in a range of activities exploring how to follow and give directions. Our robot research revealed that humans must programme robots and this can mean giving them directions. Simple forward, backwards, left and right directions were programmed into robots. The children also followed maps of the school grounds to find information left by the robot as well as following a map to lead to the recycling bins.