Play Experiences

Robot play

Play based learning experiences focused on exploring robots were created for the children. This allowed children to play out and display their previous learning with robots while offering personalisation and choice as well as the opportunity to apply the focus skill. These included playing with beebots and exploring the concept of programming or coding a machine on a basic level.

The creative area, loose parts and construction zone allowed children to consider the shapes and parts used in roots as they joined parts together and added their own ideas. Robot costumes were placed in the house corner and allowed for creative thinking and story creating around robots and how they interact with humans.

recycling play

Play based stations which focused on cleaning our environment and sorting litter for recycling were provided. Before the children selected where they would work, we discussed how the roots we had researched could help at each station. It was hoped the children would apply previous knowledge of sorting materials as well as functions and abilities of robots to support in this.

This also served as an opportunity to begin to form ideas as to what their own robots function would be when the time came to design and build. Before, during and after the play the children were encouraged to display and identify in themselves, and in others, examples of our focus skills.