Quality Feedback

Reflective Learning

Quality Feedback and Reflective Learning

During this project the children were encouraged by the staff to look at and reflect on their learning. They looked at the skills they were developing as a scientists and learners. They were encouraged to look at the skills they saw in themselves as well as the skills they saw in the others. Watch this video where Andreea explains how they achieved this.

Feedback and Reflection on Skills

Through photographing the children as they worked Andreea and the staff were able to give feedback to the children on the skills they were developing. They shared the photographs of the children working and asked them what skills they could see? They also captured quotes that the children were heard saying. For example "Asking Questions" or "Having ideas " were captured and then shared with the children.

Skills Icons

A selection of these skills were used with the children and the staff were able to encourage the children to reflect on these skills in themselves and others. It is these skills that we hope to see transfer to other areas of children's learning as the context changes.

Thinking LIke a Scientist

One of the essential questions was "What Skills do we need to be a Scientist?" The staff used a Looks Like/ Sounds Like Chart. The staff introduced the behaviors one at a time. The children learned to reflect on their own and their peers learning using this method.

When I grow up, I would like to be...

At the start of the process, the children took time to think about what they wanted to be when they were older. They had to give a reason why they thought they would be good at this. Interestingly.... No Scientists. At the end of the process some of the children had changed their mind. More girls were interested in Science and others had taken interest in other curricular areas.

I wonder wall

The children use a thinking wall to reflect on their learning and play experiences using words, mark making and drawings. It was their space to share their learning. They then shared these ideas with their peers.

reflection time

Reflection Time allows the children to reflect on their play experiences using black line drawings. This session can be set up as part of play provocations or at the end of the day.

our learning journal

At the end of the project the children reflected on their experiences in their learning journal. The children had access to photos taken throughout the project. They glued them into a journal and they were asked questions to promt their own reflections. The learning journal was then shared.