
Adult-initiated, yet child-led play experiences

These Play experiences were more closely linked to the theme of the project and really gave the children an ideal opportunity to explore the skills of a Scientist. Although these were adult initiated the children could lead their learning in which ever way they were interested.

perfume Making

The children experimented with making their own perfume as a fun sensory activity for kids. The children were provided with a wide range of botanicals, bottles labels and pens. They could share and compare their findings with their peers. They linked these experiences to those they had at home.

Resources -

  • mint, rosemary, lavender, basil, rose petals, bowls, spoons, scissors, magnifying glasses, water, syringes, pipettes, small containers with lids, labels, pens.

marble run

Children were so engaged in using marbles that the teachers decided to encourage them to create their own marble run using paper tubes, tape and ping pong balls. This became a collaborative process between the children and the adults who were there to support by answering the children's questions and helping them solve problems.

water tray - fruit boat

The children took part in an investigation. They were trying to discover what fruit makes the best boat? The children were encouraged to record their findings about sinking and floating.

Resources - apples, lemons, oranges, limes, plums, pipe cleaners, 'Float or Sink' recording chart.

microscope observations

At this station, the children were encourage to draw on the recording sheet what they observed when they looked through the microscope. The children could then draw what they observed through the microscope. This then encouraged the children to explore the class using magnifying glasses to explore their learning environment enlarged.

Resources - microscopes, leaves, twigs, petals, rice, recording sheets

Bird Food

The teachers could see the children were curious about birds. On a rainy day the children noticed that the birds had no food. The children had the opportunity to create bird food to help feed the birds in their local environment.

Resources - lard, seeds, spoons, pinecones, string, medical gloves.