Problem Based Tasks

Problem Based Tasks

As well as children exploring all the Skills they needed to be a scientist they were also set some Problems to Solve. These would allow them to really apply some of the skills they had been focussing on : having ideas, asking questions, solving problems etc.

Problem 1: recycling

Ada Twist had encouraged the children to investigate Recycling. One day the children came into the class and there was "HUNDREDS!!!" of items of rubbish in the middle of the classroom. Children were encouraged to sort and recycle plastic and cardboard in two different containers. The containers were quite small so the children had to find ways of fitting in all the items inside the containers.

Problem 2: Design a Garden for A scientist

Mini Garden Message from Ada.mp4

the hook - The Video

The children received a video from Ada telling them about how impressed she was with all their learning through the project. She told them she needed their help. She was wondering if the children could help her construct a miniature garden.

the hook - the letter

Following this, the children received a letter from Ada Twist thanking them for being willing to help create a mini garden. Ada told the children she spends so much time in her lab that she doesn't get outside enough. Ada listed features she would like to see included in the mini garden. The Challenge was set!

quality checklist

After they read Ada Twist's letter, the children worked together with a partner to construct the mini garden quality checklist to ensure their design had all the requirements. Ada had told them what she liked but the children had to create their own quality checklist based on this.

design your garden

Using the quality checklist, the children worked in pairs to design their mini garden. They came up with their own ideas including rivers,ponds, benches, tents and much, much more. Children used books, the internet and help from home to design their garden.

share your design

The children shared their design in front of the group. Children had to learn to collaborate and compromise. Their peers gave them verbal feedback related to the quality checklist. (Two stars and one wish)

create your garden

Each child had the opportunity to create a mini garden with their partner considering the quality checklist. The mini garden chose their own box, considering the size. Children were encouraged to walk round the class to see what their peers were doing. They then adapted their ideas when they returned to their own garden.

Resources they used included:

  • plant pots, pebbles, moss, tissue paper, craft paper, twigs, leaves, craft paper, glue, fabric.

present your garden

The children took turns to share their mini garden with the group. Their peers gave them verbal feedback based on the quality checklist. They had to decide who was saying which parts in their presentation. Even the children who were more shy showed a great deal of pride in their creations and stepped out of their comfort zone and present to the class.