Continuous Provisions

Child-initiated Play Experiences

These continous provision play experiences were created to link to the theme of the project, but were very open ended and allowed the children to take the play in the direction they were interested.

brilliant botanists- planting

Children were given the opportunity to plant and grow seeds.

There were opportunities for:

  • observing, identifying and measuring plants and seeds

  • reflecting on what plants need in order to grow

  • using senses to explore plants: textures, smells

playdough table

At the playdough table there were open ended play opportunities. Each day it was filled with natural resources from the outdoor environment. Children were encouraged to explore and investigate the properties of these items. Some children made prints others made habitats for animals.

Resources used:

  • pinecones, magnifying glasses, animals, playdough, twigs and leaves

fabulous physicist's car ramps

Children had the opportunity to learn and explore about friction and forces through the use of a variety of toy vehicles and different sized and finished ramps.

Resources used:

  • cars, ramps with different surfaces, road map, parking space

Children had the Opportunity for:

  • investigating forces: pull, push

  • counting, sorting

  • developing social skills

water tray - save the frozen animals!

Frozen Animals invited children to use their senses and explore the sensation of the ‘cold’ item while also offering the opportunity to explore how to remove the animals from the ice (i.e. melting the ice away by using water and sunshine etc.). Children also employed scientific skills when taking part in this activity. For example, they learned the differences between liquids and solids.

Resources used:

  • Insta-Snow, animals frozen inside water balloons, tweezers, wooden hammers, rulers, syringes, pipettes, coloured water

role play - Scientist's Lab

Welcome to our scientific laboratory. This gave the children the chance to role play being a scientist and explore and investigate independently. Children used this station to mark make and record their findings using audio devices.

Resources used:

  • microscopes, magnifying glasses, lined paper, squared paper, recording clipboards, pens, white shirts, safety goggles.

frozen paint

This frozen paint activity is “process art”. Process art is an art process in which a child naturally goes through instead of the end result. You provide the tools for your child, and let them get lost in the experience and explore independently.

Resources used:

  • Frozen paint,ice cubes, paint, lollipops.

fruit juice making

This station allowed children to explore handling tools and equipment. It also allowed children to explore and investigate different kinds fo fruit. Some children used the fruit for paint, perfume and even lip balm.

Resources used:

  • strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, spoons, water, syringes, pipettes, medical gloves, sieves.

mark making

Through all these activities mark making was encouraged. Children were provided with note pads, variety of pens/pencils, squared paper and lined paper to record their ideas, predictions and hypothesis.