Community Learning

How Community was nurtured in this project

With children at this age working with another child can be challenging. The skills of sharing, turn taking, encouraging and listening are really important. Community builders were key in helping the children develop these skills with their partner. These non threatenting activities allowed lots of opportunites to reflect on these skills.

Earth Globe

Using an inflatable globe the children threw and caught the ball.

'I can catch the Earth, can you catch it ...(child's name)?'

Children were focusing on: eye contact, body language, knowing each other's names, throwing , catching and fun.

find your partner

The children had a picture card on their back. Without knowing what their own image was they had to find their partner/group by asking questions. The aim of the task was to get children to start communicating and developing questioning skills.


- same picture i.e. animals, fruit, vegetables

- number patterns