Curriculum Links

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Sciences Experiences and outcomes:

Learning in the sciences will enable me to:

• develop curiosity and understanding of the environment and my place in the living, material and physical world

• demonstrate a secure knowledge and understanding of the big ideas and concepts of the sciences

• develop skills for learning, life and work

• develop the skills of scientific inquiry and investigation using practical techniques • develop skills in the accurate use of scientific language, formulae and equations

• apply safety measures and take necessary actions to control risk and hazards

• recognise the impact the sciences make on my life, the lives of others, the environment and on society

• recognise the role of creativity and inventiveness in the development of the sciences

• develop an understanding of the Earth’s resources and the need for responsible use of them • express opinions and make decisions on social, moral, ethical, economic and environmental issues based upon sound understanding

• develop as a scientifically-literate citizen with a lifelong interest in the sciences

• establish the foundation for more advanced learning and future careers in the sciences and the technologies.


My learning in mathematics enables me to:

  • develop a secure understanding of the concepts, principles and processes of mathematics and apply these in different contexts, including the world of work

  • engage with more abstract mathematical concepts and develop important new kinds of thinking

  • understand that successful independent living requires financial awareness, effective money management, using schedules and other related skills

  • interpret numerical information appropriately and use it to draw conclusions, assess risk, and make reasoned evaluations and informed decisions

  • apply skills and understanding creatively and logically to solve problems, within a variety of contexts

  • appreciate how the imaginative and effective use of technologies can enhance the development of skills and concepts.

  • understand the application of mathematics, its impact on our society past and present, and its potential for the future

  • develop essential numeracy skills which will allow me to participate fully in society

  • establish firm foundations for further specialist learning


The development of literacy skills plays an important role in all learning. I develop and extend my literacy skills when I have opportunities to:

  • communicate, collaborate and build relationships

  • reflect on and explain my literacy and thinking skills, using feedback to help me improve and sensitively provide useful feedback for others

  • engage with and create a wide range of texts1 in different media, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by ICT

  • develop my understanding of what is special, vibrant and valuable about my own and other cultures and their languages

  • explore the richness and diversity of language2, how it can affect me, and the wide range of ways in which I and others can be creative

  • extend and enrich my vocabulary through listening, talking, watching and reading.

In developing my English language skills:

    • I engage with a wide range of texts and am developing an appreciation of the richness and breadth of Scotland’s literary and linguistic heritage

    • I enjoy exploring and discussing word patterns and text structures.

Social studies

Learning in the social studies will enable me to:

  • develop my understanding of the history, heritage and culture of Scotland, and an appreciation of my local and national heritage within the world

  • broaden my understanding of the world by learning about human activities and achievements in the past and present

  • develop my understanding of my own values, beliefs and cultures and those of others

  • develop my understanding of the principles of democracy and citizenship through experience of critical and independent thinking

  • explore and evaluate different types of sources and evidence

  • learn how to locate, explore and link periods, people and events in time and place

  • learn how to locate, explore and link features and places locally and further afield

  • engage in activities which encourage enterprising attitudes

  • develop an understanding of concepts that stimulate enterprise and influence business

  • establish firm foundations for lifelong learning and for further specialised study and careers.


The technologies framework provides a range of different contexts for learning, including the themes across learning; learning for sustainability, global citizenship, enterprise, that draw on important aspects of everyday life and work.

The framework develops knowledge, skills, attributes and capabilities around 13 key concepts/significant aspects of learning in the technologies.

  • Awareness of technological developments (Past, Present and Future), including how they work.

  • Impact, contribution, and relationship of technologies on business, the economy, politics, and the environment.

  • Using digital products and services in a variety of contexts to achieve a purposeful outcome

  • Searching, processing and managing information responsibly

  • Cyber resilience and internet safety

  • Understanding the world through computational thinking

  • Understanding and analysing computing technology

  • Designing, building and testing computing solutions

  • Food and textile technologies

  • Designing & constructing models/products

  • Exploring uses of materials

  • Representing ideas, concepts and products through a variety of graphic media

  • Application of Engineering