Cosmic Education

Cosmic Education is the keystone of Montessori philosophy and a key point of difference from mainstream education. It is an essential element within our Curriculum. Cosmic Education is the integrated study of the history of the universe, the coming of life, the evolution of plants and animals, the coming of humans and the development of civilisations throughout which geography, history, zoology, botany and earth sciences are woven. These topics are consistently integrated through our literacy and numeracy programmes. Montessori’s emphasis on Cosmic Education has always been intended to help children see the commonalities in life. Having an awareness of the connectedness of life allows children to develop a sense of their place in time, a sense of self-identity and to have a respectful awareness of other humans and the cultural and physical environment in which they find themselves.

Maria Montessori says in To Educate the Human Potential: “…let us give [the child] a vision of the whole universe. The universe is an imposing reality, and an answer to all questions…. All things are part of the universe, and are connected with each other to form one whole unity. The idea helps the mind of the child to become focused, to stop wandering in an aimless quest for knowledge. He is satisfied having found the universal centre of himself with all things.”