Stuart Mesa- A/B Schedule

Cohort A/B In-Person Schedule

Cohort B At Home- Tasks

You have independent work to work on from 8:30-11:00

In-person 12:00-2:55 (Campus opens to B Cohort @ 11:45- for Grab and Go Lunch/Super)


Follow the website-

Fill TUESDAY'S Slide

Each day read the instructions at the top of the slide and then fill in the slide with thoughtful and complete answers. You will complete one a day.


30 minutes

Each day you will complete 30 minutes of iReady Math

1️⃣Use the link below to go to your portal. From the portal you will click on the iReady icon. You may be asked to sign in with your username and password.

2️⃣When you open up iReady, you will need to choose Math. Always try you best and strive for 100%

Google Sites Student Portfolio DAY 1

Google sites - Day 1-

Today you are going to try something new- Please READ EVERYTHING!!!

Today you will be starting a Learning Journey Portfolio. Each week you will be given a new task to complete and add to your own personal website!


  • Follow the google slides on the left for directions on how to create your website.

  • By the end of the slides, your website will have been created and include a paragraph about yourself with a picture.

Use the school information for the email and password-

School email is your student # @ --

Use the same password you use for the portal for the password

In person- 12:00-2:55

(11:45-12:00) Grab and Go Lunch

Feed Your Brain!

Make Sure You Eat Before You Come TO Class!!!

(11:45-12:00) Grab and Go Lunch from School or Eat at your house!

In Person Tasks

  • Benchmark: Unit 7 Week 3- "Youth in Battle" Lesson 5 and 6

  • Independent Reading

Opinion Writing

  • Fire drill - writing postponed until Thursday

  • 8.5 - How can you use diagrams, equations, and story problems to represent division?