Daily Schedule

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday (Regular Day Schedule)

8:15-8:20 - Welcome/Opening

8:20-9:50 - Instructional Block 1: English/Language Arts (may include, but not limited to):

9:50-10:10 - Snack/Recess

10:10-11:45 - Instructional Block 2: ELA (may include, but not limited to):

11:45-12:30 - Lunch/Recess

12:30-1:45 - Instructional Block 3: Math

1:45-2:00 - Afternoon Recess/Break

2:00-2:15 - Movement Minutes (class P.E.)

2:15-2:55 - Instructional Block 4: Intervention/Enrichment

2:55 - Dismissal

Wednesday (Minimum Day Schedule)

8:15-10:00 - Instructional Block 1 (first part): Social Studies/Science/Enrichment (may include, but not limited to):

10:00-10:30 - PE with Mr. Konrad

10:30-10:45 - Wednesday Folders/Weekly Mailboxes

10:50-11:40 - Lunch/Recess

11:45-12:25- Instructional Block 2: Community Building (may include, but not limited to):

12:25 - Dismissal

**Library Time:   Our class will visit the library weekly (I will post our library day/time once it has been solidified).  Second grade students are allowed to check out TWO books on each visit which they can take home with them for the week.  Library books are due back to school by the following week if students plan to check out new books during our library session.