Welcome to the ODE site archiving past presentations and materials presented at the annual OCTM meeting of Oregon Math Leaders. The partnership between ODE and OCTM is key in supporting math educators across the state.

Please use the pages below to access both past and current presentations at OML.

Oregon Math Leaders (OML) Conference

Every year in early August, 100-200 teachers gather in Salem for the Oregon Math Leaders (OML) conference in order to improve math education in their classrooms, their schools, their districts, and across the state. In 2017, OML will be held August 4-5 with a theme of Connecting With Math Education.

Before OML, on August 3, an Authors' Assistance event will be held in Salem for writers for OCTM's award-winning journal, The Oregon Math Teacher (TOMT). With editor approval, participants who author several articles for TOMT will have OML registration fees waived. Participants must submit ideas for three articles by June 15 and rough drafts by July 15, and will modify and complete articles at Authors' Assistance.

Click Here to learn more about OML 2017

2017 ODE Presentations and Breakout Sessions

Archived Presentations and Breakout Sessions