Bullying Prevention

Parents, school staff, and other adults in the community can help kids prevent bullying by talking about it, building a safe school environment, and creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy.

Clearinghouse of information, lesson plans, lesson ideas, and research for teachers to use to promote kindness and reduce the damage that bullying can do to our students.

The goal of this page is to empower kids and the adults around them with information and resources to help them understand what bullying is, who is affected by it, and what you and your community can do to prevent it.

STOMP Out Bullying promotes civility, diversity, inclusion, equity and equality. It teaches effective solutions on how to respond to all forms of bullying, as well as educating kids and teens in school and online. It provides help for those in need and at risk of suicide, and raises awareness through peer mentoring programs in schools, public service announcements by noted celebrities, and social media campaigns.

Up to one in five high school students were targets of bullying in 2012. Nevertheless, bear in mind, these behaviors can begin early in a child’s life. The sooner children are taught about bullying and its effect, the better.

Recognizing, preventing, and making students aware of the dangers and effects of cyberbullying.