Grades 3-4

Google Earth

Located in your "Waffle" (the little 9-box symbol next to your picture on any Google home screen), Google Earth is the most powerful Geography Tool for teachers. It mesmerizes students of all ages as they seem to very literally have the whole world in their hands.

This one is the real game changer for teachers. There is literally so much that can be done using Google Maps - and so few teachers make use of the fantastic possibilities available. You can build tours, you can measure distances, you can look at directions and compare different kinds of maps. The potential is huge. Do yourself a favor and check out the education page to see what can be done and to be inspired:

This is where students can discover some of the coolest facts about our planet. From animals and geography to science, nature and history, there are so many amazing facts for kids just waiting to be discovered by our young explorers! Uncover curious creatures from both land and sea, ancient mysteries and civilizations, incredible destinations and natural wonders – prepare to be wowed by our wonderful world.

One of the reasons the Flat Stanley Project has become the longest-lasting literacy project on the web is due to the simplicity of the concept. Kids send a flat visitor to a school, a celebrity, a family member, a politician or anyone of interest and the recipient returns the little flat guy along with a completed journal and perhaps some souvenirs such as post cards, photos, or special items.

Although Mapzone is based in the UK, it contains some brilliant kid-friendly activities that are sure to encourage students to learn more about geography. They also have relevance worldwide, not just to the UK. Students can practice map skills, play geography-related games, and use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to learn more about their world. And it’s all presented in a bright, friendly and colorful way.

Resources in Clever

Thousands of videos, activities, interactive maps

Aside from the text, there is a Digital Geography Skills Handbook with assignments for students!

Search "Geography" and find thousands of pre-made, interactive experiences

Interactive videos and lessons that allow students and teachers to explore the earth.