Journal Prompts

The purpose of the "art journal" is to allow the developing artist to practice their craft, express themselves creatively, and expand on their understanding of new materials and styles. 

The journals will be checked once a quarter for completion, experimentation, observation, and time on task. They are worth 5 points each. One journal is "assigned" per week and may be completed at any time by the due date. Each journal should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. These DO NOT need to be completed drawings- but they can be :). They may be a compilation of sketches (drawn over the allotted time frame). 

*Complete each journal on the "designated journal page" in the sketchbook. Label and date each drawing. 

Journal Prompts Intro to ART and ART 6.

*You can do these in any order. ALL are due by the date listed. 

(Quarter 1- DUE  Monday October 7 *Points deducted for late submissions)

(Quarter 2- DUE   Monday December 16 * *Points deducted for late submissions))

Journal Prompts Art II.

*You can do these in any order. ALL are due by the date listed. 

(Quarter 1- DUE  Monday October 7 *Points deducted for late submissions)

(Quarter 2- DUE   Monday December 16 * *Points deducted for late submissions))