The Battle of Trenton-

Marjorie H.

The Battle of Trenton took place in Trenton, New Jersey, on December 26, 1776.

Leaders of the American Colonies and British Forces:

General George Washington

Leader of American Colonies

Johann Rall

Leader of British Forces

American Stats:

Strength of Force: 2400

Killed: 2

Captured: 0

Wounded: 5

Outcome: Winners

British Stats:

Strength of Force:1520

Killed: 22

Captured: 906

Wounded: 86

Outcome: Losers

When Fort Lee was abandoned, George Washington withdrew his army across New Jersey to Pennsylvania.

On a morning in December, American troops surprised a guard. The Germans were captured or dispersed.

The 2 men that were killed, died in the freezing and icy Delaware River.

Traveling on the Delaware River was the only way to get to Trenton without being detected.

The troops suffered a want of clothing and a sense of defeat. This quickly became an illness.