Battle of Concord- Zoe E.

The Battle of Concord took place on April 15th, 1775 in Concord, Massachussets.

Facts about The Battle of Concord:

  1. Behind every wall, every building, trees, and every bit of rising ground were militiamen.
  2. The news of Lexinton spread quickly and the militia started to gather in large numbers.
  3. The battle of Concord was a great propaganda for the colonists.
  4. Dr. Joseph Warren alerted the colonists that 700 British Army regulars were coming.
  5. The battle continued until the British survivors reached a place of saftey.

The Leaders of the American Colonies:

John Parker

James Barrett

John Buttrick

William Heath

Joseph Warren

Colonist Statistics:

Strength of Force: 3800

Killed: 49

Wounded: 39

Captured: 5

The British Forces:

General Gage

Hugh Percy

Colonel Francis Smith

Major John Pitcarin

The British Statics:

Strength of Force: 1500

Killed: 73

Wounded: 174

Captured: 53

The Outcome of the Battle

The winner of the battle was the Colnists.