The Battle of King's Mountain- Lydia M.

The Battle of Kings Mountain took place on Saturday, October 7, 1780 in Blackburn, South Carolina, and Kings Mountain, North Carolina.

The American Colonies leaders:

James Johnston

John Sevier

Lord William Campbell

Strength in Forces: 900

Killed: 29

Wounded: 58

Captured: 0

The British Forces leader:

Patrick Ferguson

Strength in forces: 1200

Killed: 290

Wounded: 163

Captured: 668

Facts about The Battle of King's Mountain: Historians say the Battle of King’s Mountain was the “turning point” for Independence.

The fight began at 3 p.m when Ferguson’s soldiers noticed Patriot soldiers surrounding the mountain. When the Patriots realized Ferguson wasn’t there he was persuaded to fight him. Ferguson demanded that a white flag of surrendered be hoisted. After an hour of fighting Ferguson fell off his horse, he was dead with eight bullets in his body.