Secondary Second Step Resources


Second Step Middle School Community Rebuilding Unit

This is a new, five-lesson unit that can be used to help rebuild students’ connections to school in the wake of extended school closures. There will be separate sets of lessons for Kindergarten–Grade 1, Grades 2–3, Grades 4–5, and middle school. The unit includes strategies educators can use to help foster a positive, supportive school environment. The lessons are designed to be taught when schools first open for in-person instruction, whenever that date comes.

Second Step Resilience Module Middle School Activities

Getting a Good Night's rest MS.pdf

Getting a Good Night's Rest

Students learn facts about sleep and stress. Then they assess their sleep quality and habits and identify one sleep-improvement strategy to try for a week.

Handling Grief MS.pdf

Handling Grief and Getting Help

Students reflect on what they’ve lost since the crisis to help them let it go. Then they identify ways they want adults at school to support them.

Telling Story MS.pdf

Telling Your Story

Students make sense out of a difficult experience by telling their story about it.

Second Step Resilience Module High School Activities

Sleep New Friend HS.pdf

Making Sleep Your New Best Friend

Students learn facts about sleep and stress. Then they assess their sleep quality and habits and identify one sleep-improvement strategy to try for a week.

Naming Feelings HS.pdf

Naming Feelings Accurately

Students learn how naming emotions can help them manage them. Then they apply the emotion-naming strategy to accurately label strong emotions they’ve experienced recently.

Processing Pers Nar HS.pdf

Processing Through Personal Narratives

Students make sense out of a difficult experience by telling their story about it.