Elementary Second Step Resources

Second Step Community Rebuilding Unit

This is a new, five-lesson unit that can be used to help rebuild students’ connections to school in the wake of extended school closures. There will be separate sets of lessons for Kindergarten–Grade 1, Grades 2–3, Grades 4–5, and middle school. The unit includes strategies educators can use to help foster a positive, supportive school environment. The lessons are designed to be taught when schools first open for in-person instruction, whenever that date comes.


K-1st Grade Community Building Unit


2nd-3rd Grade Community Building Unit


4th-5th Grade Community Building Unit

Second Step Resilience Module Elementary Student Activities

Kindergarten and Grade 1 Activities

Support Tree.pdf

Creating a Support Tree

Students identify people they can go to for comfort and support. They create a “Support Tree” with each person they identify represented on a leaf.

Practice Belly Breathing.pdf

Practicing Belly Breathing

Students practice belly breathing, a simple breathing technique that helps them calm their body and manage strong feelings.

Worry Jar.pdf

Creating a Worry Jar

Students record their worries in words or pictures and put them in a jar to contain them so they don’t dominate their thoughts.

Grade 2 and Grade 3 Activities

Naming Feelings Grd 2.pdf

Naming Feelings

Students expand their emotional vocabulary by naming feelings they’re having because of the difficult event.

Managing Strong Feelings Grd 23.pdf

Managing Strong Feelings

Students practice belly breathing and discuss other ways to calm down. Then they make a plan to use calming-down strategies to manage their strong feelings.

Telling My Story Grd 23.pdf

Telling My Story

Students use words and illustrations to create a short story that describes their experience of a difficult event.

Grade 4 and Grade 5 Activities

Gratitude Journal .pdf

Starting a Gratitude Journal

Students focus on the positive things in their lives and say thank you for them by practicing gratitude.

Making Movement Routine.pdf

Making Movement Routine

Students plan ways to move more during the school day as a class to help them cope with stress.

Tracking Feelings.pdf

Tracking Feelings

Students generate more specific words for each of the six basic emotion categories. Then they use these words to track their feelings for one day.