First Days

Log into computer user: sirwilguest (no caps, no spaces) password: user (no caps no spaces)

Open Google Chrome, locate TGJ20 Website, open and bookmark it, navigate to Mac Lab Use page.

Assignment Day 1 and 2

Using Google Docs write up 1/2 page document introducing yourself, your experiences with technology and what your learning goals are.

Find an online list of Mac Command Shortcuts, screenshot the list and upload it to your document. (How to take a screenshot)

Figure out how to take a selected portion screenshot and capture an image of our schools name and logo on our website

Open the Photo Booth Application, take a selfie and upload it to your document

Create folder on Data drive, Server Drive. Call it YourFullNameTGJ2O

When completed have your instructor check it

Download your Google Document as a .pdf file, make sure to save it on your Data Drive as well as your Server Drive

Rename your file: yourlastname.yourfirstname.0.1

Submit your assignment to your instructor's Dropbox, make sure to properly name your file.

Second Day

Log into computer user: sirwilguest (no caps, no spaces) password: user (no caps no spaces)

Assignment Day 3

Using Google Docs complete the following tasks:

  • Make a table that lists the differences between PC and Mac (at least 10 per side)
  • Explain how you can ensure the reliability of information provided on internet sites and how you can distinguish between a site providing reliable information and a site providing alternative facts.
  • Explain why Wikepedia is alright to gain general information but is not considered a reliable website to cite in research
  • List 3 web sites that provide reliable information
  • List 3 websites that provide unreliable information
  • Provide 3 examples of how to cite a website for text use (include a section of text)
  • Provide 2 example of how to cite a website for image use (include the images)

Download your Google Document as a .pdf file, make sure to save it on your Data Drive as well as your Server Drive

Rename your file: yourlastname.yourfirstname.0.2