Makerspace and Art

Makerspace Challenges

KHPS Makerspace Website

Mrs. Leclair has been adding many new resources and ideas to our KHPS Virtual Makerspace. Click on the Make It tab to see some fun shark activities to make!

Make a Nature Box

What can you find in your neighbourhood to add to your Nature Box? See if you can label your findings when you're done.

Rube Goldberg

Can you use your toys and things around the house to make a Rube Goldberg Machine? Choose what your end goal will be (i.e., ring a bell or pop a balloon) and create a chain reaction with items found in your house.

Painted Rocks

Join the Kanata Stittsville Rock Project and paint rocks to leave around your neighbourhood. If you happen to find someone else’s rock, you can move it to a new place for the next person.

Origami Tulips

Make a bouquet of Origami tulips as a special surprise for your mom on Mother's Day.

KHPS Makerspace Website

Use this website to find more activities and more ideas to create. Mrs. Leclair will be updating the website as a Virtual Makerspace for KHPS students.


Covid 19 Time Capsule

We are living in a moment of history. Your child can complete this booklet to help them remember this time.

Learn how to type

Check out this website and work through the levels to learn how to type on a keyboard.

Support healthcare workers!

Make a sign to support our healthcare workers and place it in your front window.

Design a shoe

How many different designs of sneakers can you think of? Why not become the fashion expert and design your own shoe? You can use this template to help.

Stacking Challenge

Using plastic cups, how tall can you stack the cups? Inspired by Dr. Seuss's Cat in the hat, let's see how tall you can make the hat!

LEGO Challenge

Choose one LEGO challenge to do each day! Click here to see the challenges.

Easter Egg Stack

How tall can you make your tower using plastic Easter eggs? What can you use to make it taller or stronger?

Art Activities

Optical Illusion Heart

Draw a Health Hero

Make a Salt Dough Solar System

Draw a Superhero Selfie

Earth Day recycled art

Earth Day is April 22. Use this video to inspire you to make art out of recycled items or scraps around your house.

Give Earth a Hug craft

Watch this video to make a craft for Earth Day.

FREEBIEoftheMONTHJoyeusePaquesThreeArtMandalasFrenchImmersionandFSL (1).pdf

Les mandalas de Pâques

Print off a colouring page and take your time to colour the Easter mandalas.

Make a paper bunny

Follow the directions to make a paper bunny.


Art Challenge

Print off this sheet and see how many things you can complete over the next few weeks. Colour in the activities that you complete.

Directed Drawing

Click here to access a variety of directed drawing videos that students can do independently. They did a few of these videos with Mme Seniuk in Art this year!

Animal Mindful colouring

Mindful Colouring

Print off a colouring page and take your time to colour the animals.