Panther Press 12/15/17


We believe that everyone can succeed in a safe and nurturing learning environment through positive partnerships between parents, schools, and the surrounding community.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to create a K-12 system that strives to empower students to be independent, responsible life-long learners who value personal integrity, academic achievement, and have a global impact.


This week we began our Social Panthers in Motion series. Together we are going to make Oasis elementary school a safe, positive and happy school. Being social is what makes us have fun at recess playing with our friends, learning and listening to our teachers in class, and getting along with others. We are social in the library, cafeteria, art class, hallway, home and everywhere. Social skills are in motion all the time. Every week we will review one tip on how you can learn to interact more positively with your teacher classmates, and family. So let’s do our best to be positive Social Panthers in Motion all day every day!

Week of 12/18/17: Saying Goodbye

We practiced saying “hi” this past week. It made many people feel special inside, when all the Social Panthers greeted others coming into school. Now what? What do we do when we leave school, or soccer practice, or cheerleading clubs? How do we make people feel good inside when we leave them? To end a group or a conversation we can make others have pleasant thoughts about us by saying “goodbye-see you later, that was fun, see you next week, can’t wait till tomorrow, so long, or simply wave and smile.” Saying goodbye, shows that we are thinking about others and we make them feel good inside. So Social Panthers, this week let’s practice saying “goodbye “ in your own way when you leave, school, clubs, or groups of friends.

Community Involvement

Toy Drive 2017.mp4

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