Panther Press 1/19/18

During the month of January Oasis Elementary will be collecting wearable shoes as a fundraiser for the P.E. department. The shoes will be sent to impoverished regions like the Caribbean, Central America, South America, West Africa, and Europe. If the shoes are too worn out and are in unwearable condition, they will be sent to a recycling program that re-purposes the material into new products that benefit communities in the United States.

1. Inspect your closet for shoes that you no longer wear.

2. Ask your family and friends for their unwanted shoes

3. Place as many paired shoes in a garbage bag

4. Drop the bag outside the classroom door in the K-Kids box or office GotSneakers bin.

Oasis Elementary School warmly welcomes you to join us on this WILD adventure!

Tickets are now on sale!

$8 for VIP

$5 General Admission

Visit and search "oasis arts" to get your tickets now!

We hope to see you all there!

Boosterthon PTO Fundraiser 2018

Information on event here

2016-2017 Boosterthon Fun Run video