Extension tasks: Population

Choose one of the following Extension tasks to complete in your own time. These need to be completed before the Christmas Holidays.

1) Access the following website to investigate how population structures differ across the world:


Choose 4 countries that you are interested in. Copy, paste and crop the population pyramids onto a Word or PowerPoint document. You need to describe and explain the patterns of each pyramid (e.g. Why is there a high birth rate? Why are there more working aged men?)

2) Create a population map of Gran Canaria for the present day. Using your own knowledge and recent, create a new population map of Gran Canaria for 50 years in the future. Make sure maps have a key and title. Once this has been completed, describe and explain your pattern.

3) Write a news article on how the Earth's human population is changing over time, the problems this may cause and how people are trying to fix these problems.