Hamilton Pool

There's a waterfall falling high and straight rushing down. Underneath, the water is a turquoise and sitting calmly. Rocks line the outside the of the water, calm and quiet. Finally, the Texas sun shines on the slow beautiful water.

How It Formed

Hamilton Pool formed by erosion of an underground river that collapsed and left a waterfall and a swimming pool. The reason they call it Hamilton Pool is because it collapsed by Hamilton Creek. Watch this animation.

Factors That Affect Its Climate

State Location: Texas

Elevation: 1,148 feet

Latitude: 30° N

Proximity to Water: 218 miles from the Atlantic Ocean

During the winter solstice, there is 1 hour and 1 minute more sunlight in Hamilton Pool than in Oak Bluffs.

During the summer solstice, there is 1 hour and 7 minutes less sunlight in Hamilton Pool than in Oak Bluffs.