Black Hills

The rocks look pointy and like a Disney villain would live there. The top looks like it's covered with a black powder and it turns to stone at the bottom. In between the points of rocks are plants and trees.

How It Formed

The Black Hills were formed by tectonic plates smooshing together at the end of the Cretaceous Period and the beginning of the Paleogene time period. The center is filled with the oldest rocks. Watch this animation!

Factors That Affect Its Climate

State Location: South Dakota

Elevation: 7,224

Latitude: 43°N

Proximity to Water: 780 miles from Lake Michigan

During the winter solstice there are 29 minutes less sunlight in Black Hills than in Oak Bluffs.

During the summer solstice there are 29 minutes more sunlight in Black Hills than in Oak Bluffs.