Elephant Rock National Park

Elephant Rock National Park is filled with really old rocks with a rough, grey texture. Every time the clouds spat on the rocks in the past 1,000,000 years, the rain impaled the rocks and made slashes in the boulders. They are as big as multiple elephants.

How It Formed

The rocks were formed 1 billion years ago. When rain, snow and hail weathered the rocks, they folded over making cracks. Watch this animation.

Factors That Affect Its Climate

State Location: Missouri

Elevation: 1,273 feet

Latitude: 37°N

Proximity to Water: 828 miles from the Atlantic Ocean

During the winter solstice, there are 7 minutes less sunlight in Elephant Rock National Park than in Oak Bluffs.

During the summer solstice, there are 7 minutes less sunlight in Elephant Rock National Park than in Oak Bluffs.