Mammoth Cave National Park

There’s a massive rocky cave with big and chunky rock piles. It has a bumpy texture and a brown-greyish color. The cave looks very low to the ground and very wide. The roof is flat and there is a pathway through. The mysterious cave is like a snake, very long and curvy.

How It Formed

Mammoth Cave was formed when the rain hit limestone and it eroded. It eroded for thousands of years to create the massive cave. Watch this animation.

Factors That Affect Its Climate

State Location: Kentucky

Elevation: 421 feet

Latitude: 37°N

Proximity to Water: 623 miles from the Atlantic Ocean

During the summer solstice, there are 28 minutes less sunlight in Mammoth Cave than in Oak Bluffs

During the winter solstice, there are 25 minutes more sunlight at Mammoth Cave National Park than in Oak Bluffs.

During the summer solstice, there are 27 minutes less sunlight at Mammoth Cave National Park than in Oak Bluffs.